KEEP MOVING FORWARD, NO MATTER WHAT I know chasing dreams can feel scary. You might worry about what others will...
EVERY BLOOM IS A SMALL ACT OF PERSEVERANCE! Have you ever felt like the world was a little too heavy?...
KEEP GOING! WE GOTCHA YOU! Sounds of Rainbow was created for Martin, a musician from London and a collector of Clara’s...
YOU CAN’T CONTROL HOW OTHERS SEE YOU In 2018, Clara stood in awe of Vincent Van Gogh’s art at the...
YOUR DREAMS MATTER! EVERY SINGLE DAY When Clara and I started posting on social media, we never imagined we would...
👀 See it? Those. Hidden. Hands. I painted this right after my first big art show in 2018. This piece...
BUTTERFLIES AREN'T BORN KNOWING HOW TO FLY You know, butterflies? They don’t just pop out flying. Nope. They've gotta decide...